Thursday, August 21, 2008

Idle Hands do the Devil's Work

Well, well, well...I finally made it. I have a blogspot page. I have been journaling at least 3 or 4 times a week for about a year now and finally, I'm so tired of reading about myself that I decided to torture you blokes with it. Consider yourself lucky.

Enough about what I've been doing, let's get down to biz.

To put it plain and simple, I'm bored. Life in the real world is rather boring. It's hard to find things to naturally spice it up since the only things I am "required" to do (go to work and pay bills) are the Audobon to monotony...routine...repetitive...boring. I don't do well when there's nothing for me to do. As you're about to find out.

You're probably saying, 'why don't you go back to school'? But honestly, I'm tired of school. However, the one thing I do miss about school is that you had some path to follow, a goal to achieve, and then a reward at the end of it all. In this life, not so much. I need for others to try to impose structure on me because then I have rules...and then I can break the rules (I like to break stuff).

Every single day, I wake up, go to work, go work out, come home, chill, then go to sleep and start the process all over again. Sprinkle a bit of courtship with the aesthetic pleasures of the Philadelphia Metropolitan Area (read: kooter chasing) and basketball...and you have my life in a nutshell.

For some strange reason my subconscious decided that the only way to spend my leisure time was to chase kooter. I can't seem to shake the urge no matter what I do. It has become rooted in my every action. The music I listen to, the books I read, the shows I watch, the friends I hang all seems to revolve one thing; ways to get more kooter.

Now there's nothing wrong with kooter itself, it's actually quite wonderful (and delicious). It creates babies, dramatic situations, schizophrenia, orgasms, and porn. All things that we find quite intriguing...don't lie to yourself.

Newton's 1st Law of Motion, The Law of Intertia: A) An object that is not moving will not move until a net force acts upon it. B) An object that is in motion will not change its velocity until a net force acts upon it.

I have tried to do a myriad of things to "change velocity" but nothing has worked. I have a few new ideas to rid me of this lovely (read: horrible) addiction. However, I have to wait for those things to come to fruition (damn those service organizations that stop doing sh*t in the summertime)...and as you'll soon read about in future blog, I don't do well at waiting for anything...I guess I'll have to get over that. As they say, "patience is a virtue."

I say FCUK PATIENCE!...just kidding...only if she's cute...never mind, bad joke...what am I talking about?

On the bright side, I'm going to see Patrice O'Neal (dyke punching, anyone?) at the Helium Comedy Club tonight and there's a happy hour after work, so I can drink and/or laugh the pain away until I get home this month I should be cured, but until then I'll share my thoughts on the proverbial therapy couch known as this blog.

Thank you for your time and attention. Cornell Westside aka Carver G Woodson, signing off.

P.S....don't worry, I'll actually get around to talking something OTHER than myself...but I had to start somewhere....who needs therapy when you just blog your problems away.

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